

MSCi specializes in the sales, service and support of chromatography, mass spectometry and automated sample preparation equipment.



MSCi offers a wide range of courses in chromatography and biotech.

We have been doing this since 1998.


Chromatographicc method development or analysis work?

Contact us at hear about the possibilities.


In our webshop you will find more than 200 of the most frequently used consumables from GERSTEL and Agilent. 

Latest news

Invitation to Syft workshop/seminar/demo

Invitation to Syft workshop/seminar/demo MSCi is proud to be the distributor for SYFT Technologies in the Nordics. The SIFT-MS developed by SYFT Technologies is an innovative mass spectrometer, where direct monitoring of air and headspace samples is possible. The sample inlet is kept at atmospheric pressure making the SIFT-MS an advanced online “sniffer”. The samples are analyzed with very little delay between sample introduction and detection making the instrument ideal for in-line monitoring and control of industrial processes such a

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Why We Made our Webshop: An interview with Tore

  FREE SHIPPING UNTIL THE END OF JUNE In our many years of experience we have always found the business of ordering consumables to be a little tedious so we decided to make a web shop to make it easier. Initially, we have selected 200 of the most frequently used consumables from GERSTEL and Agilent to streamline the process of re-ordering the things you need the most in your time and on your terms. In the

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MSCi webshop

MSCi – now also as WEBSHOP

Now it is possible to buy consumables online GERSTEL and Agilent – over 200 selected products Our new webshop is now online We have selected the more than 200 most frequently used consumables from GERSTEL and Agilent and placed them in the shop. Our goal is to continuously expand with more products, as well as – of course – also with more of our other suppliers. We hope you will find the webshop both useful and

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Upcoming courses

Download our entire course catalog

Get an overview of our standard chromatography and biotech courses in one PDF file.
MSC kurser

MSC started in 1998 with coursework as the primary activity.

In 2009 we got the Nordic agency at GERSTEL equipment for automated sample preparation – and together with this status as Agilent “Value Added Reseller”.

Later, other agencies have been added, and the activities of MSC and MSCi today range from course activities, instrument sales and support as well as application and analysis work in our own laboratory.

We cover all aspects of modern analytical work with chromatography and mass spectrometry.

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