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mVAP: Multi position evaporation station

Evaporation and concentration

The GERSTEL Multi-Position Evaporation Station (mVAP) performs solvent evaporation enabling automated sample concentration for lower detection limits as well as solvent exchange for improved chromatography and LC/MS ionization. Concentration is performed at user defined temperature, agitation and vacuum for best possible protection of the samples.

Many combinations option

Concentration in the mVAP can be combined with a wide variety of sample preparation and clean-up techniques such as SPE, dispersive SPE (DPX), liquid/liquid extraction or filtration with the significant benefit of automated injection of the concentrated sample into a GC/MS or LC/MS system. Every step is controlled using the MAESTRO PrepBuilder. Just one method and one sequence table are needed for the entire process including GC/MS or LC/MS analysis.

mVAP features and benefits: 

  • Efficient concentration of extracts and solutions under controlled conditions, user defined temperature, vacuum and agitation levels
  • Improved limits of detection 
  • Solvent exchange for GC/MS or LC/MS analysis
  • Concentration in combination with all GERSTEL techniques
  • Reliable results
  • Reproducible sample preparation through uniform processing of all samples, better RSD
  • Condensation-free and safe removal of solvent vapors 
  • Contamination-free through use of sealed autosampler vials, staff exposure is minimized
  • All liquid transfer is automated
  • Automated loading of 2 mL, 4 mL and 10 mL vials into mVAP 
  • Parallel evaporative concentration of up to six samples 
  • PrepAheadensurespreparationofup to sixsamplessimultaneously with theanalysisonthe GC/LC

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