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Automated Tube EXchange (ATEX)

Direct Thermal Extraction in disposable micro-vial inserts

The ATEX option works together with the TDU, and enables the introduction of liquid, viscous or solid samples directly into the GC system via thermal extraction. Extracted analytes are refocused and concentrated in a Cooled Injection System ( CIS) inlet prior to introduction to the GC/MS system.

High sensitivity – low detection limits

The efficient extraction and concentration ensure highest possible sensitivity and lowest detection limits. The analysis system is kept free of high boiling contaminants and matrix residue ensuring maximum stability and system uptime.

Up to 240 samples

Up to 240 ,samples can be processed automatically for determination of VOC / SVOC in heavy or involatile matrices, e.g. PCB’s in sealants. Following the analysis, the sample cup with the remaining high-boiling or solid residue is automatically removed.

Addition of Internal Standard and other liquid phase sample preparation steps can be performed automatically by the sampler.
The complete system is controlled directly from the GERSTEL MAESTRO Software.

Questions, write to Jens Glastrup

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