Leco mass spectrometers

Leco’s mass spectrometers are all Time-Of-Flight (TOF) analyzers. This allows high scanning speeds, up to 500 complete scans/sec, and can therefore be used for general GC systems or two-dimensional (GCxGC) GC analysis.

A TOF analyzer is a “step-up” compared to a quadrupole system. Specificationwise they look similar – however, Leco TOF’s have a high scan rate over the entire mass range, and can collect 200 – 500 complete mass spectra/sec without loosing sensitivity. Thus, a TOF “always” works in full scan mode with full sensitivity, and is therefore a better choice if potential unknowns are expected.

Common to all systems is the “Open source” ion source which in practice has proven to require little maintenance and therefore makes the mass spectrometers very reliable in daily operation. With “very reliable” means that we have seen systems that have run more than 50.000 samples before cleaning the ion source.



The ChromaTOF software is common for the management of all systems, from Pegasus BT to GCxGC-HRT, and on the Riva GC meetings referred to as “The beautifully comprehensive software”.

It is robust, covers all platforms and has all the tools for both research and routine analysis, including a very powerful deconvolution algorithm. Therefore, no additional learning is needed when going from one type of system to another.

Especially for GCxGC (comprehensive GC) Leco’s total integration of GCxGC-MS and the software is unique. There are other manufacturers who produce the same type of GCxGC systems, but the combination of the high scanning speed of the TOF, the robust system and the robust software, we consider Leco’s systems to be clearly the best on the market.

Leco’s GCxGC systems are available on Leco Pegasus BT (low res) and Leco Pegasus HRT(High res) platforms.

Feel free to send us a message via the contact form and we will reply back as soon as possible.

Contact Jens Glastrup at jens@msconsult.dk

Or call our main number

 +45 44 53 93 66

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