In the routine laboratory, a combination of high sensitivity and high productivity is needed.
If there is a need for greater sensitivity than 5977 can provide, we also offer Agilent Triple Quad 7000C/7010C. Level of Detection (LOD) goes down in the low femtogram/high attogram area and there is now a dwell time of down to 2ms. It is also worth mentioning that the analysis time can be significantly reduced, as overlapping peaks is not usually a problem in MS/MS. This, in combination with, for example, Agilent LTM technique in which the columns can be heated up to 1,800°C/min means that theanalysis time can often be reduced to a few minutes.
Because of the high total productivity, the increased initial investment is therefore easily returned within a 12-24-month period, and together with our Gerstel MPS we can ensure the continuity of productivity where the probability of failure is small.
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+45 44 53 93 66
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