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MPS Robotic / Robotic Pro

The MPS Robotic Pro/Robotic are multifunctional autosamplers and – because of MAESTRO – sample preparation robots for GC and GC/MS. They provide modern analytical laboratories with high throughput, high performance and unparalleled flexibility. The MPS easily adapts to changing demands in the laboratory. A large number of modules and sample preparation technologies are available for the MPS.

Robotic Pro: The injection heads (variety of syringes/SPME) may automatically be changed during a series of samples up till a maximum of six. This means that an exchange between liq. injection and SPME/static Headspace may be inserted in a sequence without manual intervention. Likewise, a syringe with a larger total volume may be inserted, and the system therefore used for eg. sample prep manipulations. In many cases this eliminates the use of “dual head” systems.

In maximum productivity systems we still recommend the use of dual head systems. The Robotic Pro systems also includes “Bottom vial sensing” which enables sampling of few µL’s from the bottom of autosampler vials.

Robotic: incorporates the same possibilities as the … Pro series except for the automated syringe exchange and the Bottom vial sensing.

As indicated above, the systems are also available in dual head versions.

For GC and GC/MS:

GC and GC/MS

The following techniques are easily automated using the MPS Robotic Pro/Robotic:

The MPS is controlled from the GERSTEL MAESTRO Software – stand-alone or integrated with the Agilent Technologies ChemStation/MassHunter. One method and one sequence table controls the entire system. Sample preparation is performed during GC analysis of the preceding sample ensuring highest possible throughput and system utilization. This also ensures just-in-time preparation of each sample, thereby minimizing the relative standard deviation of the results. This is especially important for derivatized samples.
Control your GERSTEL product with Maestro Software

LC and LC/MS:

The Robotic series is a highly productive LC autosampler and sample preparation robot for up >2,000 samples/sequence. In combination with the MAESTRO Software, the MPS provides more performance and higher productivity in sample preparation than any other commercially available LC/MS or LC autosampler. The MPS is compatible with all standard LC Systems.

The MPS autosampler for LC and is easily adapted to new tasks and processes in the laboratory. Exchangeable syringe modules enable fast change of methods even between different analytical techniques, such as liquid sample handling and sample introduction.

Several sample preparation techniques for LC are available:

  • Solid Phase Extraction SPE
  • Disposable Pipette Extraction DPX
  • Membrane Assisted Solvent Extraction MASE
  • Integrated sample prep, including:

MPS sample trays and sample stacks for Deepwell or Microtiter plates can be optionally heated or cooled in order to stabilize or condition samples. For mixing/extraction/derivatization the MPS agitator/orbital shaker is also available with Peltier Cooling. The agitator can be operated between 10 and 200°C.

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