GC detectors from OI Analytical

OI Analytical provides specialized GC detectors with high sensitivity and selectivity.

MSCi is the exclusive distributor of OI detectors in the Nordic region (Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Iceland).

Their detectors are characterized by good design; chromatographic peaks are highly symmetrical, and on both the XCD and the ELCD solvent venting is possible. Halogenated solvents may therefore be used on both these detectors.

A unique feature of the PID detector is the non-destructive detection of analytes, and it may therefore be used in series with both the FID, XSD and ELCD. These are sold ready-built as combined detectors, and a brief description of these is given under the individual item.

The OI detectors may be installed on most GC brands.



The ELCD is an electrolytic conductivity detector, wherein the effluent from the GC is pyrotically converted to an ionizable gas (HX) under reducing conditions.

The gas is transported to the reactor cell where a deionized solvent dissolves the gas, thereby increasing the conductivity.

The increased conductivity can now be measured and is proportional to the halogen concentration. ELCD detectors may also be used for Sulfur and Nitrogen.

As with the XSD detector, it is possible to ventilate the solvent, and halogenated solvents may therefore be used.

The ELCD detector is often judged to be somewhat more complicated to run and maintain compared to an ECD. However, the ELCD may well reduce the matrix interferences, and thus false positives, compared to ECD detection.

The detector has an extreme linearity on halogens >106


Sulphur and phosphorus detection

The Pulsed Flame Photometric Detector – PFPD – is a detector that takes advantage of excited atoms emitting light at well defined wavelengths.

The exited atoms are created by combustion at high temperature.

This pulsed variant achieves a much higher sensitivity, especially sulfur and phosphorus, than conventional FP-detectors, but can also measure carbon.

As the combustion is pulsed, the light emission occurs at different time intervals after ignition. This gives the possibility to measure two simultaneous signals, for example carbon and sulfur simultaneously.

Because of robust nature and high sensitivity of this detector, we find it superior to all other S-detectors on the market.


The PI detector – PhotoIonization Detector – works by ionization of the analytes by means of UV irradiation.

Different-energy lamps may therefore be chosen and thus different selectivity.

The higher the ionization energy, the lower the selectivity.

Typical areas of application are aromatic and unsaturated compounds which can be distinguished from alkanes (not detected).


The XC-detector is a halogen-specific detector that achieves a high sensitivity to both fluoro, chloro and bromo atoms.

Unlike traditional halogen detectors as e.g. the ECD, the XSD works without radioactive material or organic solvents, which makes it cheaper to operate and much easier to maintain.

It also works at high concentrations, it will not be “poisoned”. It may also be supplied with ventilation of the solvent, and may therefore be used with halogenated solvents.

Linear range >104


A special feature of OI’s detectors is the possibility of serial detection.

Because of it’s non-destructive detection mode, the PID may be combined the ELCD detector, and in this way you get two detectors, occupy only one detector port, and does not sacrifice detector sensitivity.

A split in the effluent is not necessary, because the total column flow passes through both detectors.


A special feature of OI’s detectors is the possibility of serial detection.

Because of it’s non-destructive detection mode, the PID may be combined with the FID detector, and in this way you get two detectors, occupy only one detector port, and does not sacrifice detector sensitivity.

A split in the effluent is not necessary, because the total column flow passes through both detectors.


A special feature of OI’s detectors is the possibility of serial detection.

Because of it’s non-destructive detection mode, the PID may be combined with the XSD detector, and in this way you get two detectors, occupy only one detector port, and does not sacrifice detector sensitivity.

A split in the effluent is not necessary, because the total column flow passes through both detectors.

Automated Sulphur analysis

The OI Analytical S-PRO 3200 is a completely automated analyser for Sulphur components in gases and in LPG streams, such as propylene and ethylene.

The system is based on a rebuilt Agilent 7890® GC in which the complete flow path is Sulfinert™ treated and the detector is the OI PFPD.

This complete system guarantees the best possible S-analysis on the market today, and can analyze Sulphur down to the low ppb range, even on the most difficult Sulphur components.

EPC flow control

The system provides automated sample injection, calibration and QA/QC through a gas valve, and an (also) integrated permeation oven provides precise delivery of single or multiple calibration or QC standards.

Because of the PFPD’s equimolar response, the use of a single calibration standard is usually enough.

The PFPD detector has an inherent linear range ~103, besides the system incorporates an “OI Volatiles Interface”, which provides splitless or split injections to up to 1:150, the total system therefore has a linear range ~105.

Because of the Agilent platform, the system easily incorporate other detectors as PID, ELCD and XSD in parallel/tandem, and because of the superior Sulfinert™ treatment in the entire sample path, the system can analyze even the most difficult compounds.

Fluorinated by-products analyzer (FBA)

Fluorinated by-products in alkylate process streams are inevitable because of their use in the processing of C3 – C5 alkylates.

They must however be removed before further processing, as elevated levels may result in corrosion and/or catalyst poisoning, leading to – very – expensive repairs and downtime.

OI’s Fluorinated By-products Analyzer handles the analysis of these compounds in as little as 2 – 3 minutes, based on OI’s ELCD detector

The analyzer comes in two versions, one for on-line and one for laboratory use.

Common for both analyzers are the detection by the OI ELCD detector, which has a Fluorine quantification range from 50ppb to around 100ppm.

We will of course ensure that you at installation will be thoroughly taught in the use of the system. We do also have the possibility to supply extra courses in the use of the system.

We also support your organisation with different levels of PM maintenance.

On-line FBA:

This version is installed on-line in the process stream and produces automatically results every 2 – 3 minutes. Sampling valve is supplied by the customer.

The Class I Division II housing of the analyzer allows for installation close to the process streams.

Off-line FBA:

The off-line version of the FBA is based on a rebuilt Agilent 7890® GC with an integrated liquid sampling valve, again the total analysis time is around 2 – 3 min.

Feel free to send us a message via the contact form and we will reply back as soon as possible.

Contact us on order@msconsult.dk

Or call our main number

 +45 44 53 93 66

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