
IonSense DART-MS – 4 FREE webinars

DART - quick and easy real-time LCMS analysis.

All webinars are held in both danish and english language.

Welcome to our 4 webinar series about IonSense DART-MS – an easy  add-on to LCMS.

Some practical information:

  • 4 wednesdays in a row – starting week 7/8
  • Alle webinars are held in both danish and english immidiately after eachother 
  • Short sessions of  20 to 30 minutes followed by Q&As
  • Speakers: Rasmus Bøg Hansen, Mads Brun Sørensen – both MSCi

You can see the program for the 4 webinars and sign up hereunder 🙂

IonSense DART-MS

  • Add-on for any type of LCMS 
  • No sample preparation
  • Real-time analysis – no chromatography
  • Can handle a lot of samples in a short period of time
  • Fast runtime and easy to handle
  • For all kinds of matrix/materials

Webinar 1 - dansk

Onsdag 17/2 kl 14:00

Introduktion til DART

Direct Analysis in Real Time (DART) er et fantastisk supplement til LCMS. Ved DART-MS ioniseres prøven under atmosfæretryk umiddelbart uden for indgangen til et LCMS-type massespektrometer, hvorefter de ioniserede komponenter øjeblikkeligt suges ind i massespektrometeret. DARTen kan benyttes sammen med stort set alle typer LCMS. I dette korte webinar vil vi introducere dig til DART-MSens undere. Hvad det er for noget hvordan den virker, og hvordan du kan få nytte af den.

Webinar 1 - english

Wednesday 17/2 15:00 CEST:

Wednesday 24/2 15:00 CEST:

Introduction to DART

Direct Analysis in Real Time (DART) is a great addon to LCMS. It is an ambient ion source for LCMS-style mass spectrometers and it is compatible with most existing mass spectrometers. We will in this short webinar introduce you to wonders of DART-MS. What it is, how it works and how it may be able to help you.

Webinar 2 - dansk

Onsdag 24/2 kl 14:00:

Introduktion til DART JumpShot

DART JumpShot er det nyeste DART-system fra IonSense. Den adskiller sig fra forgængeren ved at gøre brug af korte heliumskud og reducerer derved brugen af helium markant. Vi vil i dette webinar gennemgå hvordan systemet virker og hvilken betydning, det har for følsomhed og gasforbrug. 

Webinar 2 - english

Wednesday 24/2 15:00 CEST:

Introduction to JumpShot

This short Webinar is dedicated to the new DART model, the JumpShot. This is where we reveal how the new model drastically reduces gas usages, but also what it can do for sensitivity and runtime.

Webinar 3 - dansk

Onsdag 3/3 kl 14:00:

Screening og ægthedsbestemmelse af fødevarer med Analyzer Pro XD

Analysearbejde skal i dag ofte være både hurtigt og effektivt. Med DART JS er det muligt at analysere op til 384 prøver i een analysegang – og på mindre end 30 min!! Udfordringen bliver hermed at skulle håndtere så megen data indenfor en rimetig tid.
Vi vil i dette webinar fokusere på en praktisk applikation – “ægthedsbestemmelse af fødevareolier”, hvor vi bruger Analyzer Pro XD til opdeling af en datafil til 384 særskilte filer til heat-mapping samt statistisk PCA-analyse.

Webinar 3 - english

Wednesday 3/3 15:00 CEST:

Adulteration screening of oils using Analyzer Pro XD and DART

The analysis work today needs to be fast and efficient. With DART JS is it possible to run a lot of samples – up to 384 – in one run, using less than half an hour runtime. The issue therefore becomes how to analyze the large amount of data within reasonable time. We will in this webinar show an example of how this can be done using both heat-mapping and PCA statistical analysis with the Analyzer Pro XD software.

Webinar 4 - dansk

Onsdag 10/3 kl 14:00:


Sprængstoffer eller eksplosiver er ofte vanskelige at analysere med LCMS på grund af effekter ved solvent suppression. Brug af DART-MS viser sig at være ret let og vi vil her vise eksempler på, hvordan disse eller lignende forbindelser kan analyseres med DART.

Webinar 4 - english

Wednesday 10/3 15:00 CEST:


Explosives are often difficult to analyze with LCMS due to solvent suppression effects. Using DART-MS this is shown to be fairly easy and we will here show some examples on how theese or similar compounds can be analysed with the DART.