
Free webinars this spring

MSC webinarer

Free webinars- GCxGC - DART - SIFT-MS

We are pleased to invite you to join us in some of the more specialised cornes of gas chromatography and mass spectrometry.

In 3 webinars – in respectively February, April and May 2022 – our focus has been on the more sofisticated subjects within gas chromatography and mass spectrometry.

All our webinars were free and open to anyone.

You can watch them – and all our previous webinars here:

SIFT-MS webinar

Robust real-time MS analysis in seconds

With direct SIFT-MS, the need for sample preparation, pre-concentration and chromatography is eliminated.

For use in all kinds of industry. In the lab – or as mobile units. 


Speaker: Allan Kim Ohlsson, MSCi

Language: English

DART webinar -

- with focus on fraud analysis of foods and materials

Do you know what you are eating?

How can fraud in foods and materials be detected?

Fast DART-MS-detection combined with statistical analysis is one of the answers.

Speakers: Rasmus Bøg Hansen, Mads Brun Sørensen


Who: This webinar is for analytical chemists dealing with a lot of qualitative analysis who are looking to understand the gold standard of GC analysis.

GCxGC can be seen as a niche, somewhat impenetrable technique to get to grips with if you don’t have a dedicated guide helping you along. Unlike: much of the available literature, our expert presenters will take a manufacturer agnostic approach to GCxGC, discussing the pros and cons of the many variations in the technique. 

Our Webinar: aims to give you a leg up towards understanding this technique by discussing the following things:

• The background of GCxGC
• Modulation
• Application areas 
• Data processing

Language: English

Speakers: Rasmus Bøg Hansen, Matyas Ripszam