
Introduction to Syft MS (seminar/demo/workshop)

Free seminar/workshop

MSCi presents this arrangement in cooperation with the Syft people. The main purpose is to provide an introduction to the Sift-MS technique, and as well – also for those of you who already know about the Syft – to provide an opportunity to discuss applications and limitations of the technique. We plan to have a running Syft instrument available during the event.


  • 9:00 Arrival – Coffe or Tea
  • 9:30-10:30 Introduction to SIFT-MS : Principles and key benefits and applications
  • 10:30 Questions and instrument walk-up
  • 10:45 Tea/coffee Break
  • 12:00 Live demonstrations
  • 12:00 Lunch
  • 13:00– More practical work and/or application discussions.
  • End (ending time depending on practical work and interest)


The event will be quite informal. Key personnel from Syft and from MSCi will be present, and we look forward to discuss your interests and applications.

Time and place

The event will take place at MSCi, Skovlunde, Denmark. We have planned the event for Tuesday September 17, with the option for running supplemental samples on the following day.
The event is free of charge.


Ingen pris fundet.


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